The hoʻoponopono way of life
Choose a life of freedom, peace, Harmony, and more!
The universe lives in me, and I live in the universe! I am a Divine Creative Soul Sprit!
Breath of Ha
I pay close attention to my breath as it moves through my body and grants me life! I do this daily as an act of gratitude that I am alive!!!
Open to Love
I open my heart to activate and embrace the love that heals and nurtures me. I am pure Love!
Our Dual Nature
Peace is not absence of conflict. It is a choice!!!
My Navigational System
I tend to my heart by honoring my feelings -good and bad. I am in full knowing that I can change the feeling by changing my beliefs!
I make conscious choices that are in harmony with my authentic self that support my journey forward in life, and for that I am grateful!
I make time every day to integrate my experiences in life to grow and expand my conscious awareness of the abundance in my life!
Dancing with my Shadow!
I am free from denial and can accept the shadow in me full knowing I am worthy of compassion, forgiveness and love!
Mirror Mirror
I look around and see the beauty reflected back to me!I give thanks for both the inner and outer beauty in my life!
Action in alignment with clear intention and desire creates momentum in moving forward in life!
I listen to my body. I am attentive to its signals and messages that flow easily and effortlessly. I am interested and caring in my response, acting on what is in my body's best interests.
Being one with the Earth gives me substance to grow and evolve to my full potential in life. I am cherished and I have something to offer the world.
I trust life to be there for me. I honor the sacred partnership every time I take a leap of faith in moving forward in life.
I honor the voice within that has my best interest at heart by trusting myself to do the right thing.
Joy, laughter, and more happiness are being expressed inside and outside me as I embrace who I truly am with grace and ease.
I am the creator of my life. I choose and have instant access to peace over conflict. I choose peace and my life reflects that back to me.
I listen to my heart's guidance. Never afraid, but rather in full confidence that my heart's knowing will steer me in the right direction. And, for that I give thanks!
The energy of peace and love is all around. Everything is working out for my highest self. Wherever I go, I bring with me the energy of calm, peace, & positivity. I'm feeling so profoundly peaceful and happy at this moment.